Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a species of Aloe, native to northern Africa. Aloe vera has been widely grown as an ornamental plant. Aloe Vera is a miracle plant and has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. Aloe vera plants can be grown indoors or outdoors; however, they do best when they are outdoors.

As aloe vera plants consist mostly of 95% water they are not habitat of cold regions. These succulents are drought tolerant plants once established. If they are grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. The plant can be grown inside or outside. The Aloe vera will store water in its large fleshy leaves. Inside an Aloe vera leaf, you will find a clear jellylike liquid. This liquid forms the base of the Aloe vera juice that is so popular in folk medicine. If you grow your own Aloe vera plant, you can use the gel directly instead of converting it into Aloe vera juice. The clear, thick gel found in the inner part of the leaf is most commonly used for minor cuts and burns. It also has antibacterial properties.

Benefits of Aloe Vera. The aloe vera plant contains number of health benefits that has been used for medicinal purposes around the world for more than 3500 years. Forever Living (the best brand with the aloe vera drink for your money) Aloe Vera is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level with optimum health and nutrition. While the aloe is safe to use for minor burns, it must be remembered that medical attention is necessary and vital if the burn begins to blisters significantly or is severe in appearance. History of Aloe Vera For many centuries, civilisations around the world have used aloe vera for its health benefits. It is suspected that the antibacterial property of the Aloe vera is the cause of the relief reported by many patients.

The mucilaginous juice or gel obtained from the leaves of this plant, widely used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for its soothing and healing properties. So you can see how important it is to find a high quality product, and how a blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients may be more beneficial to your health than a single herb products, not to mention safer. Aloe latex (also known as drug aloe) contains anthraquinone gycosides, constituents that have strong laxative effects, so it is rarely found in commercial laxative products. Aloe latex (also known as drug aloe) contains anthraquinone gycosides, constituents that have strong laxative effects, so it is rarely found in commercial laxative products. Be careful not to contaminate your gel with the latex of the leaf. Forever Living Products is the highest quality aloe vera product you are going to find anywhere.

Aloe Vera intake may interact with oral corticosteroids. Typical oral costicosteroids are Beclomethasone, Prednisone and Methylprednisolone. The negative effects of aloe are not only uncommon but also quite minimal (it usually results in a rash).

It is not advisable to take Psyllium and Aloe vera at the same time. If you still choose to do so, you should make sure that you never ingest them simultaneously. At the minimum, allow two hours to pass before you take the second one.

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